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Connectivity. Ingenuity. Choice.

The evolution of technology and connected devices offers a huge opportunity for businesses, and at the same time presents new challenges. VYKON solutions are built on Tridium’s Niagara Framework®, which is designed to help businesses capture, store and access data at any second of the day, from any place in the world.

The Niagara Framework delivers:

Open connectivity: Regardless of protocol or platform, the Niagara Framework connects to anything.

Open ingenuity: Our technology is customizable without restrictions or limitations, allowing users and developers to add or expand Niagara’s capabilities. That’s a powerful differentiator, giving customers access to our partners’ experience and ideas, along with an extensive driver library.

Open choice: Niagara’s maximum flexibility enables systems integrators, developers and end users to work with any vendor, build on existing systems and preserve legacy investments.

Niagara is the trusted technology for leading companies worldwide, as well as a loyal and active community of integrators, end users, consultants, manufacturers, developers and resellers. Its ability to help businesses drive operational efficiencies, improve ROI and reduce costs has driven adoption across multiple industries—from commercial buildings to data centers, manufacturing plants and smart cities.

Niagara provides the critical, cyber-secure device connectivity and data normalization capabilities needed to acquire and unlock operational data from device-level and equipment-level silos. The control engine at the core of Niagara enables users to not just monitor data flows, but to create logic sequences that effect controls programming based on data observation. Systems integrators use the data management and user presentation applications built into Niagara to manage histories, schedules and alarms. They can create custom user interfaces for end users with the tools built into Niagara, or purchase graphical UI templates and components from the many Niagara partners that specialize in graphics and dashboarding. 

Today, there are almost one million instances of Niagara at work in hundreds of thousands of projects worldwide covering a wide range of applications. You can deploy Niagara to integrate the many different controls and environmental-monitoring sub-systems necessary to support operations in an almost limitless set of scenarios.

Two decades of steady, customer-driven improvements and a vibrant Niagara Community of integration and software development partners make Niagara the most complete platform on the market. With each release, Tridium developers have added features and functionality to support customers along the following key vectors. 

Ready 4 Niagara?

Find a VYKON partner in your area.

Niagara Framework Resources

Niagara 4.14 Features Overview

Niagara 4 Supervisor Data Sheet

Niagara Framework Brochure

Niagara 4 Sell Sheet

MCI Case Study

TridiumTalk: Certificate Signing Service

A Niagara-Compatible Driver for Every Need

Niagara Framework® offers an open platform that developers all over the world are utilizing to create solutions to current challenges inside buildings and beyond. This fast growing collection of drivers is unmatched in the industry. In many cases, the right driver for your integration work is available off-the-shelf from one of our development partners. Niagara Marketplace strives to list all drivers available for purchase or, in some cases, for free. If you don’t find the driver or application you are looking for in our marketplace, the openness of the Niagara environment means you can relatively easily develop the solution. Note that Tridium has not tested all Niagara third-party drivers and does not certify conformance.